but also...
Unlike the Belgian Police Federal Council and the Council of Mayors, the Standing Commission of the Local Police is an official body. The Standing Commission of the Local Police issues opinions in all areas that relate to or have an impact on the Integrated Police and more specifically on the Local Police, this being carried out along with the Federal Public Services, the ministers' personal staff, the Regions in Belgium, the Local Police Areas, etc.
In addition to providing policy advice, the Acts and Decrees have given the Standing Commission of the Local Police specific competences such as:
- making proposals for candidate assessors in the Disciplinary Board
- making proposals for a chief of a police corps as a member of a Police Federal Council
- making proposals for members of the Local Police to be seconded to the directorates and services of the Federal Police
- making proposals of candidates for membership of various commissions such as the National Selection Commission for Local Police Officers.